From the Fake Doom
Video Vault

Selected Demos

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The Delphobics

Big Bad John (cover)

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We're Back!

Created and founded in 1979 by Delphobics bandmates Steve Neighoff and Nels Johnson, Fake Doom released vinyl singles, LPs and EPs, cassettes and CDs by eight bands from New York and New Jersey in the 1980s. This website features audio clips from these vinyl releases, as well as links to videos of live shows and illustrated audio tracks. Our bands played regularly at venues such as CBGB, Max’s Kansas City, Danceteria, Maxwells and the Dirt Club back in their glory days (1970s and 1980s).

All this happened before MP3s, iPhones and digital Social Media. Home-made cassette tapes, flyers produced by the copy machine at your day job (not to mention a nod from Robert Christgau, RJ Smith or a review in New York Rocker) gave you a chance to open for bands as great as The Contortions, The Richard Lloyd Quartet, The Bongos and Dangerous Birds.

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